Monday, September 26, 2011

Entry requirements for foreign students lowered - From Sydney Morning Herald

ENTRY requirements for foreign students will be relaxed and short-term visas will be available for those who wish to work after completing their university studies in an overhaul intended to revive the tertiary sector announced yesterday.

The government response to Michael Knight's report, Strategic Review of the Student Visa Program 2011, aims to increase Australia's competitiveness to students whose numbers have dropped off recently due to strict visa requirements, the strong dollar and the perception of an unwelcome atmosphere.

Mr Knight's 41 recommendations will be accepted, some with amendments, said Senator Chris Evans, the Minister for Tertiary Education, and the Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, at a joint announcement yesterday.

Mr Evans said the education sector, Australia's third largest export industry, was also a major contributor to the economy, but that the visa system and high price of the currency had made the sector uncompetitive.

''We've been keen to do what we can to assist them to be competitive and so we think these changes will very much assist them in the international market,'' he said.

The main recommendation calls for ''streamlined visa processing'': treating all prospective university students as a low-risk regardless of what country they come from, loosening constraints on how much financial backing they have, and determining whether they are a genuine student and plan to stay only on a temporary basis, that is without an expectation of migration.

Other key recommendations are to reduce the English prerequisite for those enrolling in intense language studies, and to offer graduates a two-to-four year working visa, depending on the level of qualification.

''The absence of a clearly defined post-study work rights entitlement puts Australian universities at a very serious disadvantage compared to some of our major competitor countries,'' the report said.

The university and business sectors were unanimous in their support for the report.

"The value of international education to Australia extends well beyond immediate economic returns by delivering significant social and diplomatic benefits, particularly within our region," said Graham Bradley, the president of the Business Council of Australia.

Dr Glenn Withers, the CEO of Universities Australia, said the report addressed the difficulties of attracting and retaining foreign students, whose numbers had dived in recent years.

''In this sector you've still got the dollar being very detrimental for us and globally the ramifications of the GFC have dampened international student movements. You've got the ongoing issue of how welcoming we are or aren't as a country for students. How long that damage will take to be overcome is an issue for us, however, the tone of this report will help offset that.''

The emphasis on growth was encouraging, said Arfa Noor, the president of the Council of International Students Australia, but only if it provided enough infrastructure for foreign students.

''They want to make sure there is ongoing support, social integration, and social inclusion for the students and not just focus on getting them here.''

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