Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Professional English Program

Excellent communication skills are critical in the modern workforce. Almost every new job advertisement these days includes the line: Excellent communication skills are essential. Some of the benefits of having strong writing, speaking and reading skills include: improved workplace safety, higher productivity and improved teamwork.

In many cases, however, employees are lacking the basic language skills that are deemed essential. According to the Industry Skills Council 2011 report, ‘No More Excuses’, approximately half of working age Australians suffer from problems related to language, literacy and numeracy (LLN).

The report provides the following reasons for the situation:

• inadequately prepared workforce entrants
• limited access to LLN expertise
• an ageing workforce
• increasing use of technology
• increasing compliance requirements
• demand for higher level skills

Edutec Training and Development provides a solution to this issue. As part of our Professional Language Program, we offer:

1. Needs analysis testing of employees with LLN issues
2. Programs tailored for staff from English and non-English speaking backgrounds
3. Training in professional writing, reading, speaking, listening, numeracy and grammar
4. Targeted training that is effective for the specific needs of each workplace
5. On-site or online training delivery for better outcomes and convenience
6. Regular assessment and management reporting to demonstrate trainee competence and progress

To arrange an appointment with one of our consultants, or for more information about the Professional English Program, please contact: info@edutectraining.com or call 0433 359 990.

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